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About US

About Company

“Bring in a trend of re-using plastic and put an end to single-use plastic"

Sriman Group of Companies a hi-tech company specializing in recycling through a chemical process using pet bottles. The company has focused on developing and commercializing the recycling of pet plastic waste. The aim is to slowly and steadily do a complete wipe off of the pet waste through our focused Technology.

Reuse Pet Plastic bottles
Company Value

Its all about your Future

Although it is impossible to use all the plastic that is created but somewhere recycling plastics slowly and steadily will help the planet from drowning in hazardous waste plastic.

Recycling PET is sustainable

PET is fully recyclable and a very high sustainable material; being light in weight, it adds to the product's versatility and has excellent sustainability.

PET can be recycled into making many new useful products

The recycled pet flakes are used by other industries to make fine fibers, clothing, packaging products, carpeting, jackets, comforters, etc., and many other valuable products.

Recycling PET is good for the environment.

Recycling means creating lesser plastic. Recycling reduces the harmful disruption and damage natural world the plastic waste which goes into the reverse and thousands of miles away polluting the coastlines and waterways.

A trusted seller of PET Flakes

We change garbage into worthy flakes for making other finished products




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